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radiant health and self realization

OM EinDor 

Health and Spiritual  Mentor 

Your well-being is my mission.

Leading you from wherever you are now to

Radiant health and Self realization
is my passion. I help people transform their physical and spiritual health and unlock their full potential.

Get Your Free 10 min Consultation

Transform With OM 

Real Transformation must begin within, with a strong desire for a better life experience.

If you suffered enough, and are aspiring to radically transform your physical health, mental and emotional health and spiritual wellbeing, 


Every one of the Transform with OM programs are based on the time tested principals for success!

Education and Training. Regular Practice. Replacing bad habits with good ones. Insights and realizations. Experience in daily life.

Application + Accountability = Results = Transformation


Personal Transformation Programs

Transform With OM - Privet - One on One

This is a whole month commitment of daily consultations and practice and a lifetime support through a closed group. Your commitment to transformation must be strong. In our free consultation we will asses your needs and goals and customize a program that is best suitable for you. True transformation is wholesome, it must include all aspects of your being as otherwise it will not be permanent. So even though we will address your main concerns, we will also work holistically on your entire being. My Goal working with health and spiritual seekers is to not just inform you and train you but most importantly, to hold you accountable as there is nothing that stands in the way of those who practice regularly, with the right attitude and the right guidance. Success is yours if you want it. Schedule your free consultation now.

Transform With OM - Privet Group

This is an ongoing mentorship program with weekly live meetings in a closed and privet group. . Only aspirants with strong commitment to their wellbeing are accepter to this mentorship program. This will be assessed in our free consultation. True transformation is wholesome, it must include all aspects of your being as otherwise it will not be permanent. This is where you get to learn and practice with like minded people. You will bring all your questions and issues to the meeting and get advise on appropriate time tested solutions. My Goal working with health and spiritual seekers is to not just inform you and train you but most importantly, to hold you accountable as there is nothing that stands in the way of those who practice regularly, with the right attitude and the right guidance. Success is yours if you want it. Schedule your free consultation now.

Transform With OM -

7 days home cleansing retreat

This Program is a wonderful kickstart to any transformational program
You get one free consultation to asses your needs and goals and two Consultations with the program. One in the beginning and one  at the end.

You will have Email support throughout the week and the complete program in a membership area with videos and explanations on every aspect of your 7 days practice. which you will be able to do over and over again. 

It is recommended to  commit to a 7 days vacation either at home or at your place of choice, but it is not mandatory if you must go to work you can still do the cleansing retreat. Just schedule the juice fast days on the weekend. (You will have a few days preparing for it and a few of nourishing foods after it. You will feel rejuvenated, energized, younger and happier. You will experience mental clarity, be able to concentrate better, relax deeper and find a sense of peace. Your quality of life will improve all together, You will sleep better and function better in your daily life. Get your free consultation now 

I spent the last 36 years, Investigating, practicing, and teaching the art and science of radiant health and self-realization. For 18 years I served as a Swami in an international Yoga-Vedanta Organization, devoting my life to the wellbeing of thousands of students and the pursuit of unconditional truth.

In 2009 I founded OMline Ashram. A Health and Spiritual Training Center with the goal of eradicating and reducing suffering. I am known as the Rambo of transformation since I never give up on a trainee. My motto is turning Seekers into Seers. I have seen through the years students from around the world, with a desire to transform their physical, mental, and spiritual health and wellbeing, failing miserably and not getting results, due to lack of continuous accountability and too much philosophy that left them even more confused and broken. In my book Radiant Health & Self-Realization - A health and spiritual transformation, I created a clear practical path to wellbeing. Now, I get to mentor health and spiritual seekers that are tired of "trying" to get results. that have been to so many gurus but are still confused. Those have the desire and will to go through self-transformation and are willing to apply and be accountable. If you show up and give it your all, I will commit to being there with you every step of the way to co-create the life you were born to live. A life of health and spiritual freedom.

Schedule your Free Consultation

Let's hear out some of the success stories

Cases of Transformation.

Thank you for providing a transformational week for me. I have lots of tools to carry-on and hope that your Ashram will keep thriving with abundant light. – Ray Hatami, Los Angeles

Ray Hatami, Los Angeles California

Participated in a week long program

“When people around me asking me how I succeeded to do it, I always tell them about you-It has been the great fortune in my life to know you and receive guidance from you. True, in the beginning it was not so easy, but you were there all along supporting me anytime I needed you and I have been telling everyone proudly about my current state of health and well being. Thank you my dear, I warmly recommend to anyone who wants to live a healthy life to enjoy the wonderful opportunity to be guided by you. Thank you-with all my heart, love,” !!

Lena Wolf

On going Mentorship

“Thank you so much…For a transformational time. I really needed it…I came for a week and ended up staying for two weeks. I came exhausted and went back home rejuvenated. I even manage to loose weight. The teachings , especially for me, the positive thinking workshop was a key to my transformation. Finally I feel like I am IN charge on my life. It gave me a sense of freedom. I can go on…But again I just wanted to say thank you to you and Alex for everything you are…I will be back!

Malca Belo

Two weeks program

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